The first OS (Operating System) was written in 1970s and it was known as CP/M (Control Program/ Monitor) written by Gary Kildall as early computers were built from kits and ran single program at a time. CP/M was later updated to DOS which was later purchased by BILL GATE and hired the professor who updated the OS. Below is the true story about Gary Kildall and Windows narrated by BigTexun who worked for Gary and was alive when at the beginning of windows era. 
“I used to work for Gary Kildall land I worked with some of his people from DR. I was Gary’s personal electronic engineer, building his custom embedded system as he was designing the earliest smartphone back in 1987… called the INTELPHONE people confusing called it a PBX. I was the hardware designer. What I designed was both the handset of the smartphone and the central switch gear (the switch gear was similar to PBX) but it was just the support infrastructure for the actual invention, the button free smartphone years before apple had Ipod. Gary had eliminated button in favor of the “application defined user interface” … rolls right of the tongue … his design look just like the modern smartphone only no switches or buttons at all. Prototypes were larger of course, we had to get to get the design working before the electronics would eventually be crunched into small package needed to to make a phone WE WERE 90% THERE BEFORE THE PROJECT TO GO WORK FOR IBM …
But the story of Gary out flying the plane before IBM visited isn’t actually what happened. 90% of the work Gary did at that time was for IBM. He met with IBM dozens of time and sold them dozens of Operating Systems and other software. IBM was Gary’s main customer. It was possible that Gary missed a meeting, why would missing one meeting out of literary thousands he attended doesn’t make such a difference?  He met with IMB constantly in those years and he had people on staff whose job was to manage that. The Operating system with PC wasn’t the only job he had with IMB at that time, far from it.

And you missed the whole PC at story. When you booted the original IBM AT, it said on the screen “IBM  Multi-User System.” What was the IBM Multi-User System? Why was the IBM AT was not designed to run MsDOS? It was designed to run a new multiuser OS. The AC would ship with 16 port serial cards and Wyse had a PC emulation built into their dump terminals that allowed a single AT to be used as a computer for a whole room of people. it was a multitasking OS that would have made areally large difference in the computing landscape. What happened?
The sad story there is that Intel was having problems with the 286 chips. The prototype chip that IBM was using for development worked fine, but the yield was too low for the chip, that Intel had to redesign the CPU die to improve yield for production run for the AT. When IMB finally got the redesigned chip that had been testing the system using the prototype chips and didn’t spot problems the new chip created until the warehouse was full of assembled system. It turns out that the new 286 had an issue with running protected mode instructions, so on 11th hour decision, IBM execs decided to open all of boxes, remove the OS kit, and replace it with a DOS disk… in one fatal moment, a spec change caused the new OS to be temporarily pulled. The OS did get used, but it was only used in IMB brand grocery store scanners registers, it never find used as major advanced in DOS technology that it was. Eventually DR named the new OS concurrent DOS and put it up for sale next to DR Dos, but as sad stories goes, the pretty blue box it shipped in probably didn’t find many desktop to grace.
And no story about this would be complete without talking about the Microsoft windows …
When Windows come out, it was not much more than a buggy toy OS. However, a small number of people discovered that DR DOS running under windows was a winning combination, because DR DOS had a memory manager that made windows much better on DR DOS platform. Windows 3.1 was shipped with code to detect what OS it was running on and to create a fake blues screen if the OS was DR DOS.
Gary was a generous educator; Bill was a shrewd business man. Gary instinct was to share information and make his fortune by making the right decision at the right time. Great engineer VS great Business man! Had my own experiences with that, engineers don’t make the best business men, too honest and idealistic.
Gary died a wealthy man, his house in Austin had a glass garage housing his own collection of famous race cars lovingly restored by the original crew … his house in pebble beach is where he kept his Lamborghini collection …big collection, big garage. So yeah hew stabbed his toe with the events mentioned but he was well on his way to being a decade early with truly groundbreaking smartphone tech…
I gloss over so many details…. Would love to have a conversation about Gary’s/actual or mental state of and activity just before his death. He did have ban scars from the unfortunate events we discuss, but his state of mind or what he was doing at the time was so much complex than the stories out there, and if not for his death, THE NEXT CHAPTER WOULD HAVE RE-RWITTEN TECH HISTORY.”
The begging of an era was the end of another. Comment on your view of Gray’s death coinciding with the starting of Windows? 


                                          HOW TO OPEN WAMPSERVER
<br /> <br /> </div> <div> <br /> </div>
After launching WAMPSERVER it will display some texts that you can quit or minimize but before that it can demand to be granted  access. Like displaying 
Just click on yes and you are good to go.

To find the server icon, it will appear at the bottom right corner of the screen and if you didn't find it there just open the hidden icons .
The icon can be of three colors 
1. RED       this means that no service is started
2. ORANGE  this means  only one service has started 
3. GREEN   this means all services are started

To create your DATABASE you need to click on the wampsever icon and chose                                                      MYSQL,APACHE, MARIADB ...
but launching the phpMyadmin will ask for username and password 

                   HOW TO ACCESS PHPMYADMIN OF WAMPSERVER             

For the username just enter "ROOT"
Then you are good to go.
                                                 Thank  you for your, leave a comment of what you didn't understood or what you want to know about TECH.